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Three plays / Sara Stridsbergová


Sara Stridsbergová  (nar. 29. 8. 1972), nositelka několika
prestižních literárních cen. Do literatury
vstoupila r. 2004 románem Happy Sally, o dva roky později debutovala i jako dramatička dílem Valerie Solanasová se má stát americkou prezidentkou. Svazek, jehož vydání připravujeme, zahrnuje hry Pitvání padajícího sněhu, Návraty, Umění padat.

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Autor / Author: Sara Stridsbergová
Nakladatel / Publisher: Institut umění – Divadelní ústav
Tvůrci / Creative: Edici řídí: Kamila Černá, Editor svazku: Zbyněk Černík , překlad: Olga Bažantová, Kateřina Navrátilová, Jitka Šípková, Eva Volenová, Azita Haidarová, Dagmar Hartlová, doslov: Marie Voslářová, grafika: Egon Tobiáš
Jazyk / Language: český
ISBN: 978-80-7008-400-7
EAN: 9788070084007
Rok vydání / Year of publication: 2018
Vazba / Binding: V2
Edice / Edition: soucasna_hra
Oddělení / Department: edicni_oddeleni
Počet stran / Number of pages: 214
SKU: 28206008 Categories: ,


Sara Stridsberg (born 29 August 1972), winner of several prestigious literary awards. She entered literature in 2004 with the novel Happy Sally, and two years later she made her debut as a playwright with Valerie Solanas to Become American President. The forthcoming volume includes the plays Dissecting the Falling Snow, Returns, The Art of Falling.

At the center of Dissecting the Falling Snow is the historical, but thoroughly modern in its thinking, gendered figure of the monarch, sharply drawn, behind whom one can sense the controversial Queen Christina of Sweden.

In Returns, set in Stockholm’s now-closed Beckomberg Psychiatric Clinic, the author looks inside the patients for whom the facility represented both hope and hell.

The protagonists of The Art of Falling are the mother and daughter of the Beale family, once famous figures in American show business. After retiring from their careers, they become impoverished, fall into oblivion, and eventually find themselves together in an old, semi-dilapidated house on the Atlantic coast, sobering up from their former glory.

Additional information

Weight 0,32 kg
Dimensions 15 × 21 cm
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