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Podtitul / Subtitle: From shared experience to new creativity
Nakladatel / Publisher: Institut umění – Divadelní ústav
Tvůrci / Creative: Manažer projektu: Michaela Buriánková Editorky: Sarah Bentley, Magdalena Brožíková Grafický design: Jaro Dufek
Jazyk / Language: angličtina
ISBN: 978-80-7008-446-5
EAN: 9788070084665
Rok vydání / Year of publication: 2021
Vazba / Binding: pdf
Oddělení / Department: prazske_quadriennale
Počet stran / Number of pages: 160


Memories and perceived history of spaces are the foundation of our projects as we explore local sites and connect with local audiences. We will then communicate our local findings through the more universal language of art and performance design/scenography, to international platforms through festivals, design-driven performance projects and exhibitions. Opportunities for emerging artists to be at the center of such work are rare; it is through the EMERGENCE framework that we seek to generate new and exciting endeavors for the development of the next generation.

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