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Theatre review 2/2017


Divadelní revue 2/2017 (vychází v prosinci 2017) se ve dvou příspěvcích věnuje polskému divadlu: Dariusz Kosiński ve stati „Postdivadlo a návrat politiky“ uvažuje na příkladu vybraných současných polských divadelních inscenací o kulturně¬ společenských proměnách Polska posledních let a reakci divadelních tvůrců na stávající situaci; lodžská divadelní historička Dominika Łarionow se zabývá reflexí „nesnadného dědictví“ divadelní a výtvarné tvorby Tadeusze Kantora.

73 in stock

Autor / Author: Collective of Authors
Nakladatel / Publisher: Arts and Theatre Institute
Tvůrci / Creative: Honza Petružela, Dariusz Kosiń, Dominika Larinow, Andrea Jochmanová, Nina Vangeli, Zuzana Augustová, Ladislava Petišková, Miroslav Horníček, Radan Dolejš
Jazyk / Language: czech
ISBN: ISSN 0862-5409
EAN: 9770862540006
Rok vydání / Year of publication: 2017
Vazba / Binding: V2
Edice / Edition: divadelni_revue
Oddělení / Department: kabinet
Počet stran / Number of pages: 143
SKU: 13607540 Categories: , ,


Divadelní revue 2/2017 (published in December 2017) focuses on Polish theatre in two articles: Dariusz Kosiński, in his essay “Post-theatre and the return of politics”, uses the example of selected contemporary Polish theatre productions to reflect on the cultural and social transformations of Poland in recent years and the response of theatre makers to the current situation; Dominika Łarionow, a theatre historian from Łódź, reflects on the “uneasy legacy” of Tadeusz Kantor’s theatre and visual art. In other contributions of the issue, Andrea Jochmanová describes at length the work of stage designer A. V. Hrsky (1890-1954) as head of set design at the National Theatre in Brno in the 1921/1922 season; Nina Vangeli’s essay “Dance Productions. The same author also interviewed the issue’s teacher, theatre scholar and also a prominent liaison to Polish theatre – Jana Pilátová. Zuzana Augustová writes about Jitka Goriaux Pelechová’s monograph on Thomas Ostermeier. Ladislava Petišková documents the early attempt of the Theatre of Satire to bring about a renaissance of pantomime art in the Czech Republic. Miroslav Horníček’s production of Circus of Hope disappeared along with the company during the political processes the country went through after February 1948. In his text, Radan Dolejš attempts to confront the surviving accounts of Karel Hašler’s death in Mauthausen in 1941.

Additional information

Weight 0,25 kg
Dimensions 17 × 24 cm
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